- When a customer presents a credit card for payment go to the check by signing into the POS, press the "Checks" button at the top of the screen and then select the appropriate check.
- Next press the Card payment button in the lower right of the POS screen.
- If the customer is paying for the whole check (not splitting with others on the check, press the appropriate card payment option (AUTHORIZE, CHARGE)
- The pin pad will now prompt the customer (or the server) to insert or tap the card for payment.
- If the authorization is approved, the pin pad will have the message “Approved” and the POS will print two receipts, a merchant copy and a customer copy.
- Once the authorization is approved, and the guest leaves a corresponding tip amount on their receipt, you can then press the green "PAY" button next to the authorization record in the POS. This will prompt you to enter the tip amount. Once confirmed, the authorization will now be captured.
- If the charge is approved, the pin pad will have the message "Approved" and the POS will print one receipt showing the details of the check with the tip and charged amount.
For split payments, see the article for Splitting Payments (POS)
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