In order to void an activated Gift Card you must first find the check where the card was issued, once you've found the check and reopened it follow the steps below. This action will wipe the entire remaining balance off of the issued gift card(s).
Persmissions Required: ReopenTab, VoidOrder, VoidCash, VoidCard
Voiding a Gift Card
(Note: Where prompted, a manager authorization may be needed to approve one or more steps)
Select the white bubble next to the price of the gift card item "2/2 Loaded"
On the "SVS GIFT CARD(S)" module select all applicable cards and press REMOVE. Press REMOVE again on the "CONFIRM" prompt.
Once the gift cards have been voided successfully the below confirmation will appear, press OK
Select the gift card item in the cart and press the blue VOID button on the bottom left of the cart. Follow the prompts to void the item. Once the item has been voided select the REFUND button to the right of the tender amount and follow the prompts to complete the refund of the payment. Once complete select Close Check on the bottom right of the screen.
Reopening tabs, voiding items, and voiding payments are logged in TRAY HQ in the "POS Activity" Report under the codes ReopenTab, VoidOrder, VoidCash, and VoidCard respectively.
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