Routing Rules consist of configurable mappings that determine how orders are routed within a restaurant. The mappings determine which kitchen station will receive certain types of dishes or orders based on the revenue center, or category of the items. Several routing rules can be created to facilitate different operational needs, such as operating multiple sides of a kitchen, or changing where/when certain type of orders may be routed.
Changing the Routing Rules from the POS allows you to control which rules are active. This can affect which side of the kitchen your orders are displaying in, for sites using a Kitchen Display System (KDS), or Order Printers. In order to be able to change Routing Rules the Routing Rules must first be configured in Tray HQ and published to the devices.
Permissions Required: ChangeRoutings
Changing Routing Rules
(Note: Where prompted, a manager authorization may be needed to approve one or more steps)
After signing into the POS, select Functions at the top of the screen
Along the "Routing" row, select KDS ROUTING
Select the dropdown below "SELECT KDS ROUTING"
Select which Routing Rules you would like active and confirm routing. Note: Multiple routing rules can be active at the same time, the check mark indicates which routing rules will be active.
Routing Rule changes from the POS are logged in TRAY HQ in the "POS Activity" Report under the code ChangeRoutings.
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