TRAY® Product Release Notes
Version: 6.15 Combined Release Notes
Key Highlights:
- Transfer UI Enhancements
- Item Level Routing API & UI Changes
- Paytronix Support
- Time Entry Acknowledgement UI
- Ability to ReAuth on Authorized Transaction
- Handle requestID for Freedom Pay Transactions
- Expo Checklist - Void Order UI & Simultaneous Multi-Item Bump Functionality
- Guest Name Assignment for IPA
New Features & Enhancements
Client Enhancements (POS, KDS, Kiosk)
POS Transfer Enhancements
We have introduced a new item and check transfer UI to streamline the transfer process across the POS, as shown below:
Going forward, when a user with appropriate permissions (outlined below) can select from the following Item Transfer Options:
- Start New Check - this will transfer the item(s) to a new check; the user will be brought to a new check screen with that item in the cart
- Other Check - this will transfer the item(s) to an existing check; the user will be prompted with a list of existing checks to select from
- Other Guest - this will transfer the item(s) to a different guest than they are currently assigned to; the user will be prompted with a list of other guests on the existing check to transfer the item to
Similarly, the user will be able to select from the following Check Transfer Options:
- Other Staff - this will transfer the check selected to another staff member; should the site be using timekeeping, the list of staff available will be limited to staff who are clocked in
- Other Service - this will transfer the check to another service (please note, the list of services displayed will not include the current service assigned to the check)
- Other Destination - this will transfer the check to an alternate destination available within the check’s designated service
Permission | Definition |
TransferGuestItems | Permission to transfer items to a new guest |
TransferCheckItems | Permission to transfer items to a new check |
OtherChecks | Permission to transfer items to an existing check |
TransferCheckOwner | Permission to transfer a check to a new owner |
TransferAllStaff | This permission should not be configured at the site for clients using the timekeeping feature, ensuring that when a site is using time keeping, they can only transfer checks to users who are clocked in. |
TransferCheckService | Permission to transfer a check to a new service |
TransferCheckDestination | Permission to transfer a check to a new destination |
Please note - the new Transfer UI will be controlled by a Global Feature Flag and can be enabled per client request.
Enable Item Transfers and Additions to IPA Guests Using First 3 Letters of Guest Name in Guest Selection Pane
This feature will allow a user to transfer or add items for Plein Air (IPA) guest orders on the POS so that orders can be managed and modified as necessary. From the POS, the user will be able to view the IPA guests in the ‘guest selection’ pane using the first three letters of the guest name received from IPA. The items on the order will then be transferable to other IPA guests directly from the POS UI.
Discount Rounding Enhancements
We have made changes to our discount rounding logic. Prior to this change, when applying discounts, the final cart total after tax calculations was not always a whole number, due to rounding logic and simultaneously leading to discrepancies. Going forward, we will be applying discounts after tax rounding has occurred for the item (or items), ensuring that the total after the discount is consistent with any discount type and combination.
Implement Enhancements for Suggested Gratuities and Item Payment Enhancements
We have enhanced the calculation and presentation of suggested gratuities on payment receipts, ensuring that gratuity amounts are consistent, accurate, and reflective of the pre-comp, pre-discount value of the check, even when items are comped or discounted.
The suggested gratuity changes implemented were based on the pre-comp pre discount amount of the check. However, when applying payments on the check, the suggested gratuities were printed on the authorization receipt based on the tender amount, causing a discrepancy. The item payment enhancements are aimed to ensure that the authorization receipt printed the associated suggested gratuity amount based on the order data provided from the items being paid for, even in the presence of comps and discounts.
Optimize Repeat Button Functionality - POS
We have optimized the ‘Repeat’ button functionality on the POS. Going forward, when a user selects ‘repeat’ (i.e. repeat an item), the POS will handle the repeat command, especially repetitive instances of the repeat command, in a more optimized manner, leading to fewer timeouts observed on the POS.
Offline Checks - Server Sync
Going forward, the POS will not allow a user to edit or process a payment affiliated with an offline check when the device comes back online prior to syncing with that check with the Server.
Ability to Re-Authorize using an Authorized Transaction for Unpaid Balance
In the POS Pre-Auth flow, we previously did not support the functionality to pay more than the amount pre-authorized from POS. However, this would not allow for the user to capture the final amount, should the preauthorized amount not be representative of the check total.
As a result, we have developed the ability to perform a re-auth equivalent to unpaid balance of the check and perform a final capture with tip (if applied). For example, if the user preauthorizes $1, and the final total of the check is $10 with tip is $2, the user will now be able to perform a re-auth using the same payment details initially recorded for the final amount (i.e. $12).
Show Progress Dialogue when Applying PAL Packages
As part of this enhancement, we have developed a dialogue on the POS UI that will display a progress indicator so the user is able to track the status of the device PAL Package Installation. To begin, the POI Loader will validate the file format prior to the installation.
Once the install is in progress, the user will see a progress bar that aligns with the installation logs, as well as corresponding alert messages so the user is able to track the status of the package installation.
Please note that the system will:
- Prevent Pal Package Installation unless device (Tablet) has at least 50% battery
- Prevent Pal Package Installation unless device (Tablet) is not currently charging
- Prevent users from exiting installation dialogue while PAL Installation is in progress, as this will disrupt the PAL Package Installation.
Tip Alert Permission - Offline Mode
Previously, the high tip alert permission was not supported in Offline Mode. Going forward, when the high tip alert is enabled and triggered in Offline Mode, and user does not have the corresponding Tip Alert Permission, they will be prompted with the ‘Authorize Tip’ dialog and will need to have the tip authorized by a user with the corresponding permission:
Expo Checklist Functionality
We have added a setting for ‘showDoneOrders’ (Hardware > Device Settings > KDS Settings > Additional Settings JSON> itemController). If the value for this setting = true, then the KDS will respond accordingly:
- Grid and Wrapping views will show ‘Done’ state orders
- If the order status = Done, then the KDS will not display the item bump button
- The KDS will remove the grid only if all items are moved to > Done
- Change ‘Done’ order retention in KDS memory to 60 minutes (currently it’s 30 minutes)
- ‘Done’ status label will appear as black shading with white text to indicate they are delivered
Display Pickup Time on KDS Screen for Third Party Orders.
Previously, when a third party order was received, the pickup time was only printed on the corresponding order chit and third party receipt. Going forward, we will also display the pickup time for the corresponding order on the KDS Screen for third party orders when the ‘showPickupTimeForThirdPartyOrders = true in the KDS Additional Settings JSON (Hardware > Device Settings > KDS Settings > Additional Settings JSON > ‘showPickupTimeForThirdPartyOrders).
If the above setting is true and the order has delivery information with pickup time included, then the KDS will now show the pickup time on the KDS UI.
Menu Category Sort Orders
Going forward, the user will be able to sort individual items on the KDS UI by display order that was set for the category of that item. For example, if the user would like to see Beverages Category, Appetizer Category and Entree Category in that display order, enabling this flag will allow for the user to sort according to the designated display order. The flag to enable category sorting can be found by navigating to Hardware > Device Settings > KDS Settings > Additional Settings JSON > sortByDisplayOrders = true/false.
sortByDisplayOrders : is the flag added for sorting in KDS Settings in HQ
- if flag is true : items sorted based on display order set for category of that item
- if flag is false : no changes with sorting and items will be sorted according to the order in which they are added to the cart
The user is able to configure the designated ‘Display Order’ by navigating to HQ > Site > Menu > Categories > Edit Category > Display Order (assign numerical value).
Should two categories have the same ‘Display Order’ value, than the categories will be sorted alphabetically.
Please note, this change will not impact KDS List View and will only apply to the KDS Grid View.
Server Enhancements (Server, API, DataAPI, Web)
Server (HQ)
Mandatory Category Assignment for Modifier Creation at Node
Going forward, the category assignment will be mandatory when creating modifiers at the node level. If the category is not provided, a prompt saying ‘*Please provide a category*' will prevent the user from saving the modifier.
Please note - during a re-push, if the assigned category is different for the modifier at the store when compared to the node, the assigned category will not be overwritten at this store for this modifier.
Enterprise Management of Actions - No Sales & Reasons
Going forward, users with Enterprise Node Access will be able to configure ‘No Sales’ and their respective ‘Reasons’ at the Enterprise Node and subsequently can push both to the sub-node and site level to streamline the site building process.
HQ > Enterprise Node > Cash Management > Actions > No Sale > Reason Code
As part of this expansion, we have added:
- EID fields to reasons (at both the site and node level)
- Added EID fields to Actions (at both the site and node level)
- EIDs that will be displayed in the actions listings page for both node and site
Pay Class Enterprise Push Enhancements
Going forward, when a user attempts to push ‘Pay Class’ from the Node to Site-Level, they will be able to accommodate at least 1500 sites in the recipient push list without compromising the performance of the push. This will allow the user to accommodate a broader list of sites, streamlining the ability to manage pay classes across large numbers of sites.
Make EID Unique & Mandatory - POS Roles
As part of the continued efforts to make EIDs unique and mandatory across the TRAY Platform, we have introduced a unique and mandatory validation for POS Roles & Reason EIDs. Going forward, when creating a new POS Role (HQ > People > Roles (POS) > Add Role), the user will be prompted to enter a corresponding EID and can also use the ‘Check’ button functionality to validate that the EID input is unique to the site:
Failed Records Changes for Payments, Tenders Summary & Credit Card Dialog
We have modified the Payments Report, Tender Summary Report and Credit Card Swipe dialogs to now capture and display information about failed credit card transactions. Should a credit card payment fail, we will now display the corresponding failed payment record across the Payments Report, Tenders Summary Report and Credit Card Swipe Dialog so the user has additional detail tracking the payment failure code and details.
EOD Payment Capture Email Notification
We have developed the functionality to send an email receipt to the customer once payment is captured as part of the End of Day processes. Using the “CustomerEmail” received in the v0/orders request and “customerEmail” for other requests (e.g. v2/checks (open check), saveCards, updateCards), we will send a corresponding email receipt for the final payment captured at the end of day.
Olo Custom Service Mapping
Going forward, users will be able to map additional DSP orders to a separate revenue center, based on the configuration in the Olo Integration Tab. Users will be able to select one of the predefined Olo variables and map the designated variable to the intended revenue center, as shown below:
Olo Variable
- ClientPlatform
- Customidentifier
- DeliveryMethod
- OrderMode
- Slug
- The Value options will be dependent on the value of the ‘Olo Variable’ selected; either free text value or dropdown
- For example, if ‘ClientPlatform’ is selected, the user will be prompted to select the relevant ‘ClientPlatform’:
- Defines what value the field should show in order to map to the given revenue center
- Value should not be case sensitive
- For example, “UBER” = uber
- Values should be unique within the different Olo Variables
- For example, [Olo Variable: Slug, Value: uber] and [Olo Variable: Slug, Value: uber] would not be allowed but [Olo Variable: Slug, Value: uber] and [Olo Variable: OrderMode, Value: uber] would be
Site Service
- List of Revenue Centers available
- Select the ‘location’ from the Revenue Center selected
Reorder Hierarchy
- In case the request matches more than one of the defined mappings, the order will use the hierarchy to decide which revenue center to use
- For example, if the request had both the slug: uber and DeliveryMethod: pickup, we would choose to map to Olo Pickup since DeliveryMethod is higher on the list
API & Jobs
Auto-Close Check & Auto-Tip Jobs
Going forward, we will support the ability to auto-close a check and apply an automatic 18% Tip on pre-authorized unclosed checks that will run as part of the end of day jobs. This will allow for locations who wish to allow users to leave the premises without closing a check to do so, knowing that not closing out their tab will result in an auto-closure and auto-tip application at the end of the night.
To enable this functionality, navigate to the Site > Operations > Close Day Functionalities > Capture Balance Amount (select) > Use Default Tip (select)
Get Section Lead by Table Name API Endpoint
To allow third parties the ability to see which table sections have an assigned staff, we will now return whether or not the location ID we have received is assigned to a section leader within the TRAY platform. The purpose of this is to prevent any customer from scanning a table QR code and attempting to place an order where no section lead has been assigned.
If third parties are aware that the section isn’t assigned, they can then inform the user right away before the user attempts to order at a table without a section lead assignment.
Sparkfly Integration - Send Customer Information
As part of the continued Sparkfly x TRAY Integration enhancements, we will now be sending relevant customer information to Sparkfly so that they will be able to leverage that customer information for guest survey purposes.
Update posTrafficCount in Checks API
Prior to this enhancement, we defaulted guest count to one guest per check for Olo and To Go services on the TRAY HQ Daily Sales Report because guest count was not required for these specific services. However, within the checks API, we are taking the guest count directly from the check (tab_flags in the venue_tabs), which isn’t consistent with the DSR approach. In the event that the checksAPI returned 0 guest count from the check, there would be a discrepancy in checksAPI and what was shown on the Daily Sales Report.
Going forward, we will update posTrafficCount so that it returns 1 instead of 0 if there is no guest count for the check so that the TRAY HQ Daily Sales Report and checks API are consistent.
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