TRAY 5.14 Release Notes
Please see: Hotfix 5.14 Release Notes for more information around continued 5.14.x Progress.
Client Release (POS, KDS, KIOSK)
Support ELO MSR for SVS & STS Gift Cards
We now support the use of STS and SVS Gift cards through the ELO Magnetic Stripe Reader [Magtek eDynamo].
Support HP MSR for SVS & STS Gift Cards
We now support the use of STS and SVS Gift cards for the HP Engage One Essential All-in-One System Magnetic Stripe Reader [Internal MSR].
Integrate DataDog into POS Application
As part of this feature, we have integrated DataDog events into KDS / POS so that we can consistently track POS metrics:
- unit-of-work per minute
- p95 latency
- failure rate by exception type and dimension ‘unit of work type’
Integrate DataDog into KDS Application
As part of this feature, we have integrated DataDogs events into KDS / POS so that we can consistently track KDS metrics:
- unit-of-work per minute
- p95 latency
- failure rate by exception type and dimension ‘unit of work type’
KDS User Interface - Optimization of the List View UI
Refresh Timer Optimization
- Before: Earlier when timer was refreshed, the entire recycler view was re-created (notifyDataSet() was called)
- After: After optimization only the visible timer text views are updated and also not even the entire row
Optimization Results
Place Order Optimization
- Before: Earlier when an order with single item was placed, the entire recycler view was re-created (notifyDataSet) was called
- After: After optimization, if there is a space left for the new item to be visible then the last row is created. Otherwise, the item will be added to the list with no UI update and when the user scrolls, the item will be visible.
Optimization Results
Server Release (HQ, API)
Four Digit Rounding for Hour & Labor Calculations
Going forward, when converting HH:MM to hours with decimal TRAY will be keeping 4 digits for all intermediate calculations to avoid rounding errors.
Details of ‘TransferTab’ Permission Activity Recorded on the POS Activity Report
We will now display the details of the ‘TransferTab’ permission usage on the POS Activity Report. Going forward, whenever a user initiates any of the actions associated with the ‘TransferTab’ permission, i.e. Transfer Staff, Transfer Destination, Transfer Revenue Center and Merge Checks, each action will now be recorded under the ‘TransferTab’ permission with specific descriptions indicating the source and destination of the transfer.
Additionally, for multi-check transfers, the report will detail each check that was transferred.
Enabling & Disabling Offline Mode POS Activity Logging
Going forward, we will add offline mode activity logs to the 'POS Activity' report when a user enables or disables Offline Mode. The following operations will now be tracked if the user has the OfflineMode permission:
- Enable Offline Mode (user has enabled Offline switching mode)
- Enable Online Mode (user has enabled Online switching mode)
- Auto Offline (user has enabled Auto Offline mode)
- Auto Online (user has enabled Auto Online mode)
Sync Staff HQ Permission
We've introduced a new permission called 'Sync Staff'. When assigned, the user will have the capability to view and select the ‘Sync Staff' button and its corresponding dropdown in HQ > Site Setup > People > In Store > Staff. This functionality will allow the user to sync staff information with third party integrations and with staff management platforms (i.e. Docebo, 7Shifts).
Note: This functionality is only necessary when new sites are created and the list of staff is being imported into the TRAY platform. Once that is complete, successive edits to individual staff will immediately sync upon saving that staff member.
Employee Creation & Modification Details in HQ Activity
We have added additional logging details in HQ Activity report for edits made to staff profiles. Going forward, when staff are created, edited or deleted, the user will see the details of the changes that were made via the ‘See Details’ hyperlink which will open a details window.
Each field will reflect the field name used in the staff details window, as show below:
In the details window, information will be organized in three columns: Attributes, Old, and New.
- For newly created employees, the ‘Old’ column will display: N/A while the 'New' column will show the previously existing data for each attribute. In cases where data is missing during addition, the record will be shown as 'Empty'
- For modified employee records, both the past and newly edited data will be shown in the 'Old' and 'New' columns respectively, for each attribute that was edited
Recursive Menu Items Logging and Display in HQ Activity
We have expanded our HQ Activity logging capabilities as it pertains to menu publish activity. The user will now receive a warning if there is a recursive loop within the menu that has been published and will be able to download the details of the loop directly from TRAY HQ Activity.
The details of where the recursive loop exists within the menu will be available in the corresponding Excel document that can be downloaded from the hyperlink included under the ‘Activity’ Tab. An example of these details is shown below:
Note: A menu with a recursive loop will still be successfully published to the POS, however the recursive loop will be removed from the menu to avoid any issues with menu navigation.
Product Edit Logging in HQ Activity Report
We have added additional logging details in the TRAY HQ Activity report to outline when products have been added, edited or deleted via the ‘See Details’ hyperlink which will open a window with a summary of the changes:
Example of information present in the Activity Details window
Creating a Product - The creation of a new product will be logged in the HQ Activity report as shown in the below image:
Similar to other activity details across TRAY reports, we will only display information for product details that have been edited; old or empty (no change) details will be displayed in the 'Old' column and new data will be displayed in the 'New' column.
Deleting a Product - We will also log the record of a deleted product in the 'Details' window to preserve a record of any pre-existing product-level data prior to the product deletion.
Note for Future Enhancements:
- In a future state, we are going to display the content of the product Activity Details window by organizing the displayed content across product sections, making it easier for the user to identified categorical changes.
- Added activity logging for bulk product creation, editing, or deletion.
HQ Permissions for Integrations at the Node Level
We have created new permissions for viewing and editing the 'Integrations Tab' at the Node level called:
- View Enterprise Integrations
- Edit Enterprise Integrations
Enforce Discount Inclusions & Exclusions for Olo Orders
Going forward, when Olo sends a discounted order, TRAY will now enforce the discount configurations when determining which items the discount should or should not be applied to. If no configurations are set, then all items will proportionally receive the discount applied. Users will need to ensure that discounts are set up consistently between Olo and TRAY, otherwise TRAY will reject the order.
Searchable Store Name Dropdown for Menu Import
We have added a new search bar that will allow the user to search by site-specific key words instead of scrolling for their intended site selection.
Edit Price Permission: Modify Pricing Schedule
Previously, users with the 'Edit Price' permission were unable to add or edit additional pricing schedules, but going forward the ‘Edit Price’ permission has been expanded to allow for the modification of pricing schedules at the product and modifier level.
Enterprise Role Management
This feature enables the user to push Roles (POS) to an unlimited number of locations within seconds, surpassing the previous limit of 250 sites at one time. Multiple roles can now be pushed at once instead of pushing each role individually.
Note: Like other TRAY pushes, it is mandatory to have an EID for all roles that are going to be pushed.
Similar to other push functionalities, we are surfacing logs generated by Role Pushes on the 'HQ Activity' report and the details of the logs generated during a push will appear as follows:
Note: if you have any sites selected on the HQ Activity report, the details of this push will not be displayed. Instead, select the 'Push Roles' category filter and the appropriate details will surface.
Assign Modifier Groups at Node Level
The “Assign Modifier Group” functionality which exists at the site level now exists at the node level. This feature allows you to select modifiers and add them to multiple modifier groups at once.
To access this feature, navigate to HQ > Node > Menus > Modifier Groups > All Modifiers > Assign Modifier Group:
Once applied, the user will see the following message displayed: "Bulk assignment of modifiers to modifier group was executed" with a corresponding 'Details' link. When the user selects the 'Details' link, they will be prompted to view a summary of the changes that were applied.
Note for Future Enhancements: if the modifier you are trying to assign to multiple groups already exists in one of the selected groups, the modifier will not be added to the other groups. This will be fixed in an upcoming TRAY Release.
Enterprise Managed Discount Locking
The Enterprise Managed discount locking functionality enables a user with Node-level access to apply overrides/restrictions to a discount they are going to push. Once locked, these discounts can not be edited by Site-level users.
When the Enterprise Managed flag is enabled for a discount:
- The Sub-Node/Site users with access to discounts will see all the fields grayed-out and thus not editable.
- The discount will still be editable at the Node-level
- Only non-Enterprise Managed discounts can be edited by someone who has the:
- Edit Discount permission
- Edit Discount Effective Date permission (specifically the Discount Effective Date field)
- Edit Discount Manager Approval Needed permission (specifically the 'Manager Approval Needed' field)
- Any Enterprise managed discount will not be able to be edited or deleted at the store level but can be viewed
- Users with Admin level access can bypass all outlined Enterprise Managed discount restrictions
When the Enterprise Managed discount checkbox is selected, a lock icon will be displayed next to the discount name on the discount list view to indicate to a user without appropriate permissions that the discount cannot be edited.
Note: Discounts that are Enterprise Managed will overwrite the 'Edit Discount Manager Approval Needed' permission and the 'Edit Discount Effective Date' permission.
Optimize Query on Performance Insights
CONSR-2214 & INFRAP-1400
Optimize payment and auth query on the TRAY DATA API to improve RAW Query Performance.
Optimization Results
- Sales:
- "53726063-9abd-48d4-9621-dda9a6e46e0d" AND "getPaymentDetails took"
- getPaymentDetails took 0mins:0secs:355ms
- Auth:
- "0e44f162-bccd-4100-b500-37ae60498d2d" AND "getPaymentDetails took"
- getPaymentDetails took 0mins:0secs:54ms
- Sales:
- "aef6fba9-e1bc-443e-a5c0-02c7a4321d33" AND "## getPaymentDetails took"
- getPaymentDetails took 0mins:0secs:144ms
- Auth:
- 2852906b-9d55-446e-bb48-9f5c4d4119e0" AND "getPaymentDetails took"
- getPaymentDetails took 0mins:0secs:51ms
Splitting Time Entries Across Trading Days
In the v3 version of the time entries API, we are breaking down the time entries that span across trading day into two distinct records:
- The first record will show the actual clock-in time along with a clock-out time aligned with the end of the trading day, capturing all corresponding sales and tips
- The second record will display the start of the trading day as the clock in time and the actual clock out time as the clock out time. It will capture all sales and tips taken during the second day.
Return Check ID for Associated Olo Orders
The POS reference as seen in the Order Summary for Olo orders will now display the TRAY Check ID instead of the Order ID.
Gift Card API
We added to our Data API collection a new endpoint that returns all gift card transaction data as seen in the Gift Card report on TRAY HQ for a given day and site.
The model for this new endpoint is:
- action: string: possible values include Cash out, Charge, Issue, Refund, Reload, Void, and Wipe
- id: integer($int32): Unique identifier of the order discount
- date: string($date-time): created date of the discount
- checkId: integer($int32): Unique identifier of the check
- productId: integer($int32): Unique identifier of the product
- amount: number($double): amount of the discount
- type: string: Giftcard type like SVS, Ventiv, Embed etc
Device ID in Items API
The v3/items Data API endpoint will introduce a new field called "deviceId." The device ID represents the ID of the device utilized when placing an order. Orders placed without using a device, such as online orders, will return an ID of 0.
Include Combo ID in Items API
The parentSequenceId in the BI export includes the combo ID for items if it exists. Currently in the API we do not expose this ID. In order to avoid adding unnecessary data for other consumers of the API, an optional parameter can be used to include the combo ID if it exists.
In the v3 items endpoint, we will offer a new optional parameter called includeComboId that will accept a boolean flag. If True is returned, a new field called comboId will be returned in the response.
If the item has a combo ID as seen in the order_items table, the comboId field should return the ID of the item that it is referencing. If combo ID is null return null in the response.
"id": 0,
"isModifier": true,
"checkId": 0,
"employeeId": 0,
"revenueCenterId": 0,
"revenueCenterEid": 0,
"itemId": 0,
"itemPLU": "string",
"itemType": "string",
"actionTime": "string",
"reasonId": 0,
"reasonEid": 0,
"reason": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"managerId": 0,
"parentItemId": 0,
"parentModifierId": "string",
"action": "string",
"price": 0,
"tax": 0
"comboId": 0
Correcting OrderDetails API Discount Reporting
The API currently does not show a record of removing the original discount when replacing it, but rather it shows a record indicating the delta between the new discount and the original discount that was replaced. This feature in v3/items will add an additional record that shows the removal of the original discount, identified by the "DISCOUNT_REMOVED" action.
Pass Overwritten PLU in Items API
When assigning a product or modifier to a modifier group, the assigned modifier has an option to set an alternate PLU. If this alternate PLU is set and the assigned modifier is placed in an order, the Items API will reflect the PLU that is overwritten in the assigned modifier. The overwritten PLU for items will be supported in v4/items and will not affect past versions.
Bugs Fixes
Client Release (POS, KDS, KIOSK)
Partial Payment Refund Issue: Full Amount Refunded
We have identified a problem in how FreedomPay processes refunds for transactions with partial payment approvals. When we request to charge an amount of $2.65, and the response indicates that only $0.78 was approved (as expected), we encounter an issue when attempting a full refund. Instead of refunding only $0.78, the system refunds the entire $2.65, which is not the intended behavior.
Going forward, TRAY will refund only the partially approved amount instead of the entire amount of the attempted capture, eliminating discrepancies across refund amounts.
Removal of Extraneous Tax Exempt Button on Smaller Form Factors
When attempting to use the 'Tax Exempt' button on the order entry screen of the tablet, it appears unresponsive both before and after attempting to send the order. In contrast, the Tax Exempt ID button located at the top of the screen functions as expected, prompting for the necessary ID and approval. It is important to note that the terminal solely features a Tax Exempt ID button at the bottom and lacks any Tax Exempt button at the top of the screen.
We removed the tax-exempt ID button from the top because we had only removed it for a few screen sizes, not all of them. Going forward, all screen sizes will have the button removed from the UI.
Users with NoClockInRequired are clocking in when signing into POS
Users with 'noClockInRequired' being prompted to sign into POS.
Going forward, users with multiple roles and multiple permissions assigned across all roles will not be impacted or prompted to clockIn if their respective role has 'noClockInRequired', even if the other multiple roles assigned do require the user to clock in.
Destination Not Printing on Some Order Chits
Some order chits are not printing the destination.
Going forward, all order chits will print the destination.
Voided Orders in Offline Mode Displayed in Two Different Cells
STR-3208 & STR-4401
After offline sync, voided orders created in offline mode are displayed in a distinct cell along with the offline check ID on the KDS.
When checks are synced once the system comes back online, all the checked IDs are updated to use the check ID instead of the offline check UUID.
HQ Server Checkout Report: Cash Due vs. Cash Owed Discrepancies
The HQ 'Server Checkout' report is displaying different cash due amounts when compared to cash owed amounts on the 'Cash Owed' report.
The HQ 'Server Checkout' report was not previously considering the tip pool amount but going forward will align with the POS 'Server Checkout' report and will consider those amounts when calculating cash due and cash owed totals.
Note: the 'Server Checkout' report will not match the 'Cash Owed' report when a server works multiple shifts in one day as the 'Cash Owed' report provides a summary view whereas the 'Server Checkout' is broken out by shift.
Gift Card Report - Using Search Filter Bypasses Site & Date Filter
When a user runs the 'Gift Card' report and searches by last 4 of the gift card, the report will ignore any specified filters and will instead display all data associated with that gift card, regardless of site or date.
Going forward, the search field will now respect the site and date filters, when specified.
Note for Future Enhancements: in TRAY 5.16 Release, we will be adding an additional restriction that the field will only accept 4-digit numerical input.
'VOID' Record Appears Without Preceding 'SALE' or 'TRANSFER TO' Entry
When detailing records of 'Void' activity across TRAY reports, some 'Transferred_to' and 'Sale' records are missing, leading to the 'Void' record not adjusting the check total correctly and a negative balance appearing across both the base and tax amounts.
The problem has been resolved by sending the 'Transferred_to' and 'Sale' records appropriately.
OLO Occasionally Records Credit Card Payments as 'SVS' Type
The issue is that a user used an SVS card with the same last four digits as an Amex card for a new transaction, causing a query mix-up where the system incorrectly identifies the SVS card for the Amex transaction due to the matching last four digits.
The problem has been resolved by ensuring that distinct cards are used for the same customer with the same redacted number, ensuring that the correct guest profile is linked.
Issue Running 'Daily Sales' or 'Financial Management' Report for Sites not Under a Parent-Node
Running the Daily Sales or the Financial Management report for any site under 'Default' results in the following error message: "Please select a single site."
The Daily Sales Report and the Financial Management report were reading the selected venue_id in the wrong format as they did not belong to any Node. We made the change to accept venue_ids for Sites not assigned to a Parent Node, which allows the report to be generated successfully.
Incorrect Labor Hour & Wage Reporting on the Financial Management Report
STR-3740 & STR-4331
The following TRAY Reports do not reconcile the numbers for hours and wages correctly:
- Financial Management
- Labor
- Labor Summary
By applying the same logic used for the 'Labor' and 'Labor Summary' report, we resolved the discrepancy issue in the 'Financial Management' report.
TRAY 5.14.x Hotfix Overview
TRAY Product | Version |
HQ | 5.14.5 |
POS | 5.14.5 |
KDS | 5.14.5 |
Data API | 5.14.4 |
Server & Data API Release Hotfix
Data API 5.14.1
Records not found for v3/timeEntries
Initially we were only sending the staff details if they had active sales during that TDT. Going forward, for any clockedin staff, we will now show all the clocked in staff irrespective of sales made that day.
Data API 5.14.2
While a staff is still clocked in, the net sales field in the time entries endpoint does not populate until the staff is clocked out. If a shift crosses over the trading day while still clocked in, the first split of the time entry will show a net sales of 0 which gives the wrong impression that the staff did not have any sales.
Going forward, ‘netSales’ will be reported in the API, even when a user is still clocked in. Similarly, carry-over/outstanding logic will be respected with v3/timeEntries, which will ensure that there are no net sales discrepancies on days where there are carry-over/outstanding amounts impacting those totals.
Data API 5.14.3
Declared Cash Tips Recorded on Split Shift for Starting & Ending Days
Employees who are clocked in for a split shift (a shift that crosses over the TDT) who do not make any sales for Day 1 but do make sales on Day 2 are seeing that their declared tips (declared on Day 2 during checkout) are appearing for both Day 1 and Day 2’s declared tip amounts.
Going forward, we will not send declared tips for Day 1 if the shift is crossing TDT, we will only send declared tips for the second day of the split shift.
Data API 5.14.4
Current Day Time Entries Missing for Clocked-In Staff [v3/timeEntries]
Staff that were clocked in on the previous day do not have a split time entry showing up on the current trading day.
Going forward, we will account for the Employee’s time entry record on both days (i.e. previous day and current day), for all Split Shift time entries.
HQ 5.14.1
Redacted multi-server menu push and related code. This will be reintroduced as part of a future TRAY release next year [Q1]. Until then, standard optimized push functionality will be available for menu and product pushes.
HQ 5.14.2
[Optimized Menu Push] Concurrent Optimized Menu Pushes
When the Optimized Menu Push feature flag is enabled, and a user attempts to initiate two concurrent menu pushes, the second menu push is failing and the first push is the only menu push that is completed successfully. When the user re-pushes the second menu, it corrects the menu successfully and the products that were previously unassigned will now be correct.
Going forward, we have resolved the locks that we noticed were occurring when concurrent pushes are initiated by adjusting the query used to run the concurrent pushes. This will now allow multiple pushes to run concurrently without issue.
HQ 5.14.3
Optimize DSR report query - GET_DSR_CHECKS_PAID
Optimization of DSR Report query - GET_DSR_CHECKS_PAID
Performance Test Results
- Before Optimization : (Build: 5.10.9) - 3 min 44 sec
- After Optimization : (Build: 5.14.3) - 03 sec 129 ms
Optimize DSR report query - GET_DSR_PAYMENTS
Optimization of DSR Report query - GET_DSR_PAYMENTS
Performance Test Results
- Before Optimization : (Build: 5.10.9) - 3 min 44 sec
- After Optimization : (Build: 5.14.3) - 03 sec 129 ms
Integrate Optimized Payments Report Query
Integration of optimized payments report query.
Performance Test Results
- Before Optimization : (Build: 5.10.9) - 6 min 02 sec
- After Optimization : (Build: 5.14.3) - 249 msec
Optimize Tender Summary Report Query
Optimization of Tender Summary Report Query.
Performance Test Results
- Before Optimization : (Build: 5.10.9) - 5 min 31 sec
- After Optimization : (Build: 5.14.3) - 364 msec
HQ 5.14.4
7Shifts Sync from HQ is Failing
7Shift Sync is failing. When Integrated Partners attempt to sync shifts with 7shifts, the sync will fail even though the validation confirms that the details are correct.
Related QA 7shift account currently only has one shift for a valid employee so it appears that something is blocking this shift from being loaded into TRAY.
Previously, Sync failed due to JSON Exception when no “data” element was received in GET user API response in case of role_id = 0 when there were no roles attached to a Shift in the 7Shifts system. That is now fixed by logging an error message and skipping that shift thus, preventing an exception that used to crash the sync flow.
Labor Hours on Financial Management Report do not match Time Entries, Timecard, and other Labor reports
Run the Financial Management Report for any affected site and compare it to any Labor report(s).
We will now be applying the same logic used on the labor and labor summary reports to the Financial Management Report as well.
HQ 5.14.5
Item level discount before place order shows 0.01 tax discrepancy in Data API "v3/Items"
Run data API for Get “v3/items” and verify that there is 0.01 discrepancy in tax field
We have adjusted the ‘actualTax’ amount and how it persists in the DB. Previously, “actualTax” had incorrect values in DB. There is no computation of “actualTax” on server end and whatever data is sent in the request is persisted in DB. Fixing the ‘actualTax’ amount resolved the -0.01 discrepancy.
Client Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
POS 5.14.1
Mismatch/Missing Freedom Pay Request ID’s
In some scenarios, it was discovered that the amount captured within TRAY and Freedom Pay was different specifically on the tip amount. We consulted with Freedom Pay and it was found that in some scenarios TRAY is not receiving the confirmation from Freedom Pay of the capture being successful.
When a user would attempt to capture a payment from the POS the capture would be successful on Freedom Pay but not be recorded in TRAY. When the user would go back later, and attempt to recapture the authorization they would occasionally input a different tip amount, which would then be recorded in TRAY.
In order to address this, the Freedom Pay team recommended that if the capture response was not received, that on the next capture attempt the initial capture will be voided and the updated amount will be sent. This will not work across trading days.
Update FreewayConfig for clientSellingSystem, clientSellingSystemVersion
We have made required changes to the FreedomPay integration to provide the following two fields to all payments:
- Client Selling System: The application used to process the payment (TRAY)
- Client Selling System Version: The version number used to process the payment (app version number/code)
These fields will now be visible on the Freedom Pay portal when viewing individual payment records.
Error Downloading Menus
Some sites report being unable to download menus.
To fix this, the compressedUrl received in getMenus needs to be corrected.
Tablet Orientation Lock
When payments are initiated on a tablet, and the user does not have their tablet screen orientation locked to landscape mode, some sites have reported payments applying to incorrect checks from devices utilizing a Moby5500.
Going forward, the TRAY app will no longer be able to rotate and will be locked into landscape mode when signed in as a POS. The app will still rotate when on the app login screen, and on any of the customer facing tip entry dialogues. In 5.18 this will be configurable by device template. This does not apply to KDS.
Known Issue: We have escalated to FreedomPay an existing issue that was just discovered with the Moby 5500. It appears that when a lane is canceled (either manually or by the laneTimeOut), the Moby is experiencing some exception that is forcing it to reboot on the next attempted transaction. This reboot does not occur if capturing successive transactions successfully. This issue will be addressed once we receive the needed support from the Freedom Pay team. Release TBD.
POS 5.14.2
Gift Card Payments Do Not Complete
Gift Card payments do not complete. When using a gc for payment, This issue occurs for both tablets and terminals. However, gift card payments made via OLO are processed without any issues.
This was specific to the configuration for all Magensa reader transactions. We have fixed the support for Magensa readers and going forward all gift card payments are processed correctly.
POS 5.14.3
Changing Discount without Removing Initial Discount Causes a Tax Miscalculation in API
Changing discount without removing the initial discount causes a tax miscalculation in API. For example, an order for $8.59 was initially set with a discount of 10% and then changed to 20% after the order was fired to the kitchen. In the API, the initial discount shows a tax savings of $0.08 when the 10% discount was applied. However, when that same discount is removed, the tax re-applied to the order is $-0.01. The removal action should mirror what the actual discount was. This issue only occurs when the user changes the discount without first removing the prior discount.
We have adjusted the ‘actualTax’ amount and how it persists in the DB. Previously, “actualTax” had incorrect values in DB. There is no computation of “actualTax” on server end and whatever data is sent in the request is persisted in DB. Fixing the ‘actualTax’ amount resolved the -0.01 discrepancy.
Due to feedback around slowness on certain HQ Reports, TRAY has optimized the following TRAY HQ Reports as part of Hotfix 5.14.3:
- Daily Sales Report
- Tender Summary
- Payments Report
Optimization Testing Results
TRAY HQ Report | Before | After | Jira Reference |
Daily Sales | 7m:52s | 0m:20s |
INFRAP-3229 INFRAP-3223 |
Tender Summary | 6m:32s | 1m:22s | INFRAP-3423 |
Payments | 6m:55s | 0m:2s | INFRAP-3387 |
POS 5.14.4
Order Status Crash on Kiosk
Log into the TRAY Kiosk, tap on ‘Order Status’ and observe that the App Crashes.
This was a result of unused layouts and redundant views that were previously deleted but the UI was not removed. We have removed and fixed, which has solved for the app crashing when navigating to ‘Order Status’.
POS 5.14.5
Clocked-In User Prompted to Authorize ‘OverRide Schedule Enforcement’ when Checking-In to Tablet
When a user that is already clocked-in on the POS device goes to clock-in to a tablet/hand held device, they are prompted to choose ‘Role’ and ‘Printer’ (only prompted to choose ‘Role’ when the user has multiple roles assigned) and once selected, they are prompted to Authorize “OverRide Schedule Enforcement’ for the second time.
Please note - the user does not have to Authorize ‘OverRideScheduleEnforcement’ every time they are checking in, they only have to re-authorize once when they are clocking in to a new tablet device. This issue only impacts sites that are using Third Party Shift/Schedule Enforcement.
Previously, the server used to send the permissions list at the staff level only. We changed this behavior to ensure that the server started sending role specific permissions lists as well which can be used by the client side to validate permissions. Going forward, the user will not be prompted to Authorize ‘OverRideScheduleEnforcement’ when logging into a new tablet device if they have already authorized this permission when logging into the POS Device (i.e. will not have to authorize twice).
KDS 5.14.4
Revert Enhanced PayNGo Changes
We need to revert the change to the PayNGo QR code that was done as part of CONSR-1269.
KDS 5.14.5
Revert Brand Guest Survey Code
Due to an issue Qualtrics is having with the new survey code, we need to revert the survey code generation to the old formula.
Several Bump Bar Keys not Working on Optimized List View UI
When changing KDS device templates, the bump bar became unresponsive to keys other than bump, un-bump and refresh.
After adjusting notifyDataSetChanged(), this issue resolves itself and the Bump Bar is responsive to all keys.
Article is closed for comments.