TRAY 5.10 Release Notes
Please see: Client & Server Release Hotfix 5.10.x
Client Release (POS, KDS, KIOSK)
Phase 1: Support for Remote Printing in Offline Mode
This is phase one functionality of support for remote printing while in offline mode; with this build you will be able to print the full guest receipt using remote printing in offline mode. We will have an additional Phase 2 to add support for printing individual guest receipts and payment receipts while in offline mode.
Table Map Optimization
We have completed significant redesign for the table map to make functionality more efficient:
Changes to the SVS Bonus Card Flow
STR-3053 & STR-2864
We have made improvements to the SVS Bonus Card Flow by separating the operations and payment processes. Going forward, a bonus card can only be issued to a user when they apply a full payment on the check. If there is any unpaid amount on the check, then the user will not be able to issue a bonus card.
Printing 40 Column Report POS
This functionality enables users with admin access to print the 40-column reports directly from the POS functions tab, without redirecting to the KDS application.
We have also changed the names of the POS Reports to "Tray HQ" and the Staff Report to "Labor Percentage" as part of this update, but their functions remain the same.
User Mapping in Docebo
This feature enables mapping of employee data from the employee’s original store to Docebo. This feature only permits modifications from the original store to be transferred to Docebo which will prevent the data in Docebo from repetitive modification.
Add QR Codes and Barcodes on Guest Receipt for Remote Printing
This functionality enables the ability to print the Pay n' Go QR code and the Punchh barcode on the guest receipt for remote printing.
Prevent Docebo Staff from Being Added to Multiple Franchisees
Docebo should only allow one unique email address across all of the TRAY staff profiles of a franchise. If an employee with an existing TRAY profile needs to be associated with a new franchise, they must create a new TRAY profile with a unique email address that is different from the email initially used to associate the employee in the original store/franchise. This feature will prevent adding staff with an existing Docebo profile to a different franchise.
Product Visibility for Kiosk
The feature will allow product visibility to be enabled or disabled on the Kiosk, while still keeping that product active on the POS. For example, you can set a beverage to be active on the POS, but inactive for the Kiosk. Note: If a product is inactive on the POS, it cannot be active on the kiosk.
Update “Transferred” Status for Docebo
This feature updates the association of an employee's Docebo profile to the new store location when the employee transfer occurs within the stores of the same franchisee.
Note: In Docebo, this will update the Restaurant Number field.
7Shifts - Shift Sync Button [POS]
We implemented a feature that adds a button for manually syncing shift data that comes from 7Shifts to the POS. To use the Shift Sync button, the 7Shifts integration must be enabled and you must ensure that your TRAY location is properly connected to 7Shifts. Once you select the Shift Sync button, the POS system will synchronize its shift data with the available shifts from 7Shifts.
Minimum Guest Count Enforcement on POS
With this feature, you can now set a minimum guest count in HQ that will enforce a minimum guest count on the POS when a user starts a check.
Category Alert Enhancements [Beverage Enforcement]
We are enhancing the existing feature that alerts staff when certain categories of products [beverages] are not added for guests. This updated feature will restrict users from firing the order if at least one or more guests are missing a product in the flagged category.
Restrict Users from Authorizing their Own Permissions
If this feature is enabled, users with multiple assigned roles will have access to all functionalities using the same quick code, bypassing the need for approval. For example, if a staff member has both ‘staff’ and ‘manager’ permissions, and are attempting to perform a task with manager permission required while logged in as a staff member, they will not be prompted with the authorization message.
Note: This feature is disabled by default within the Site Settings > Operations tab
Add the Delivery Service Partner ID to the Response of the API Method v2/Checks API
We have provided an updated version of the checks API in which the 'dspId' field is displayed in v2/checks API. For orders placed via Olo, it displays the order Id. The response JSON will display dspID as null if the order Id is missing from the check.
Sales Subject to Tips in Data API
We have added a new field to the API to show each employee's Net Sales. There is now a field called netSales available when using the time entries API that will display the net sales of orders during the specified employee's shift.
Data API and BI Export Restrictions for Training Mode Data
CONSR-1536 & CONSR-1565
To ensure more accurate reporting of sales data between TRAY reporting, the Data API, and the BI Export, the Data API and BI export will no longer transmit sales data via the API for services that are marked as "training mode."
Add fiscalStartDate Field in the Sites API
A new field called “fiscalStartDate” has been introduced in the site method /v1/sites providing additional information related to the fiscal calendar that the site will observe. When the Franchisee Fiscal Start Date is configured for a particular site in TRAY HQ, the fiscalStartDate field in the v1/sites endpoint should reflect that date for that site.
If there is no fiscal start date configured then the value of this key will be NULL.
Olo - Custom Identifier for Tax Exempt Status
If the custom identifier field is included in an Olo order, the system will now default to the tax exempt status of the associated tender type. If no associated tender type, the tax exempt status should be determined by using the slug sent from Olo.
"Discounts": [],
"Fees": [],
"CustomFields": [],
"ExternalPartner": {
"Name": "Uber",
"OrderId": "*******",
"SupportPhone": "1-833-ask-eats",
"SupportEmail": "",
"CustomerFacingMessage": null,
"Slug": "uber"
"CustomIdentifier": "Virtual Brand",
"OrderMode": "Default",
"TableId": null
Order Pickup Time to Checks API
Users can retrieve the pickup time for Olo orders using this feature. As a part of this change, we have included a new field called "pickupTime" in the v2/Checks API. This field will provide the pickup date and time for Olo orders.
Print Punchh Barcode for Kiosk
We will now support printing the Punchh barcode on the customer receipt, allowing customers the ability to scan the barcode to earn points for their transactions. The receipt will include the Punchh barcode and the Punchh trailer message.
Credit Card:
Cash Payment:
Send Check Details to Punchh for Kiosk Orders
We are beginning to support Punchh loyalty for TRAY kiosks with this feature. Going forward, we will send all check details to Punchh, so the customer receives points for their transactions on the kiosk.
Product Visibility for Kiosk - Enterprise Support
This feature will enable users to set a product's visibility status on the kiosk and will eliminate the need to manage multiple menus.
The enterprise node can push the product visibility flag to other nodes and sites. Additionally, the feature is functional for cross-site imports.
Item Replacement: Upsell for Combos on Kiosk
At present, TRAY only allows upselling of items through Add-On items displayed during checkout. This feature will elevate our upselling capabilities by enabling us to upsell before the item is added to the cart.
When a product has an associated upsell item configured, and the user is about to add that product to the cart, they will be presented with a suggestion to add the upsell item. If the user agrees, they will be directed to the details page of the upsell item. However, if they decline, the original item will be added to the cart.
Remove ‘Select All’ Option from Publish Modal
Users will often choose ‘select all’ option from publish modal, despite only needing to publish select setting updates. As a result, extraneous data is pulled, causing additional time and potential for delay when publishing site settings. Going forward, if a site needs to publish all site configuration options, they should only select the indicated fields(highlighted red) which need to be published.
Carry-Over/Outstanding [Void/Comp/Discount/Tax Exempt/Transfer Redesign]
Going forward, with the carry-over and outstanding enabled, the system will not restate a check that was closed when it is being updated (i.e. applying a Discount/Comps, Voids or Refund) the day after it was created. When enabled:
- Previous day check will remain unchanged
- We will apply the changes to that check on the date when the change occurred
The following components are impacted by carry-over and outstanding changes
1. Data APIs - v2/items(New API)
2. HQ Reports
- Daily Sales
- Financial Management
- Orders Summary
- Orders
- Checks
- Comps
- MenuMix
- By Category
- Discounts
- Voids
- Tax Summary
- Discrepancies (Internal)
- Labor
- Labor Summary
- Staff Summary
- Role Summary
- Server Check out
- Sales - Email
3. POS Reports
- Server Check out
- 40 Column
- Sales
- Print Staff
4. EOD Job
- EOD Job - Balancing Checks
- Sales Report
NOTE: Carry-over/outstanding is feature-flag enabled by the TRAY team. Default configuration = off.
Publish Menu & Publish Configuration Permission Required to Publish Menu
In Tray HQ there are 2 Above Store Permissions for Publishing menus to the store. They are:
- Publish Menu (button listed next to Export Pricing button)
- Publish Configuration (button top left corner of menu screen next to Site Setup)
With this permission, we have disabled “Menus“, “Menu Schedules“ and “Pricing Schedules“ options under Menu Configuration if the user only has Publish Configuration permission and no Publish Menu permission.
Going forward, a user must have both Publish Menu permission and Publish Configuration in order to successfully publish the menu.
Disable Price Effective Date Functionality [Price Import]
- Removed the support for the “From Effective Date“ column from the price import file both at the store and node levels.
- Removed the “From Effective Date“ column from the sample price import file both at the store and node level.
For users, going forward:
- The export file should not contain price effective date data.
- If the user adds this column in any Pricing import file and assigns an effective date to a product and modifier, an error message should be populated (while importing) stating “Price Effective Date feature is disabled. Please remove the price-effective data and re-upload the file.“
Site Name & Date Added to Daily Sales Report and Financial Management Reports PDF Export
The Daily Sales and Financial Management Report PDF generation will display the store name, the time period for which the report is generated and the timestamp of when the report is generated at the top of printed reports.
UI Enhancement: Remove Extra Scroll Bar in Site Settings > Receipts Tab
We have removed the second scrollbar on the Receipts Tab while also ensuring that the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Update’ buttons at the bottom of the screen remain accessible.
Added ‘Custom Seconds’ Text Field to Set Timeout for Kiosks
We have added the "(in seconds)" text below Set Timeout field. Users can go to Site Setup > Hardware Tab > Device Setting > Add/Edit any Device Template > POS Settings tab > Select Kiosk from Section dropdown. The user can then add a custom timeout amount (in seconds) via the text field.
Optimize Site List Page
To optimize the loading time of the Sites Page, the Orders, Checks, Users, Staff, Device, and Printer columns have been removed from the table that contains the list of the venues. Additionally, we have horizontally centered the table on the page. Removed data can be found in the Monitor > Site Status
Tying Multiple Tenders to a Virtual Brand
This enhancement enables the system to determine both tax and tax-exempt orders for the same virtual brand. As a result, direct-to-consumer orders and third-party marketplace orders (such as DoorDash and UberEats) will be represented as different tenders, each with its own tax-exempt status.
Removed Role Validation for Editing Shifts in Time Entries Report
We have implemented a feature that allows users to Add and Edit Shifts in the Time Entries report without auto-filling the role selection to the users current role. This will allow HQ users to add/edit the time entries for users who no longer have a certain role assigned. When the shift is edited, the deleted role will still be selected.
"Manager Approval Needed" Made Visible at the Node Level
At the enterprise level for discounts, we have made the "Manager Approval Needed" option visible. This feature will apply to the Add/Edit Discounts windows.
Restrict Usage of Leading/Trailing Spaces
As part of this feature improvement, we now actively restrict the usage of leading/trailing spaces or tabs in the label of various fields such as menu name, section name, sub-section name, product name, print names, and staff name.
Limit "Orders" Report to 1 Day and 1 Site
To avoid extra load on the server, we have implemented a restriction on the orders report, allowing it to run for only one site at a time. As a result of this change, users are now required to select a site when generating the report. The default date for the report is today's date, but it can be adjusted to a desired date if needed. However, selecting a future date will trigger an error message stating, "Future Date is not allowed."
Restrict "Active Orders," "Open Tabs," and "Site Status" Reports to 1 Store/Site Group
To avoid unnecessary load on the server, we have implemented a restriction on the "Active Orders," "Open Tabs," and "Site Status" reports under the Monitor tab. These reports are now limited to running for only one site at a time. Consequently, when generating the report, users must select a specific site. A pop-up message will notify the user to select a store if they skip the "Sites" field and execute the report.
Additionally, for the "Open Tabs" report, we have restricted the multi-select drop-down to a maximum of 10 sites. If the user selects more than 10 sites, a pop-up message will be displayed stating, "A maximum of 10 sites can be selected at a time."
Select One Site: Restricting Reports
The HQ reports filter now mandates site selection. Users must select at least one site when running a report, or they will see a pop-up message stating "Site field cannot be left blank." Users will be prompted to select at least one site to proceed.
Hide Order ID Search in Reports
We have made the Search by Order ID filter hidden in the Order & Discounts report. Users should use the Check ID to search the various reports.
Permission for HQ Reports
We have implemented "Execute - [Report Name]" permissions for each HQ report, including "Active Orders," "Open Tabs," and "Site Status" reports under the Monitor tab.
These permissions enable users to either view or hide specific reports while preserving the existing grouping and order. If a user lacks access to any reports within a group (e.g., SALES, ORDERS), the corresponding group will not appear. The "Report" tab on HQ will remain hidden for users without permission to access any report. By default, only admin and super-admin roles possess these permissions. We have categorized these permissions as "Reports" and "Site Permissions." Users with "View Reports" can see all reports, regardless of new permissions. Users without "View Reports" will only see reports for which they have been explicitly granted access. The "Edit Report" functionality remains unaffected.
Limit Site Selection and Time Period for Reports
We have implemented limitations on site selection and time duration for various reports to ensure optimal system performance and maintain a positive user experience while the reporting infrastructure is further optimized to provide better performance.
For reports (Daily Sales, Payments, Financial Management, etc.) where the desired site selection is restricted to 1, users are required to select exactly one site in order to run the report. If no site is selected and the report is executed, a pop-up message will be displayed as follows.
For reports (Loyalty, Promos, Comps,etc.) where the desired value is set to 10, users can select multiple sites from the drop-down menu, with a maximum limit of 10 stores. If the user attempts to select an 11th store, a pop-up will appear with the message "A maximum of 10 sites can be selected at a time".
For the "Order Summary" report, when a duration of 1 year is selected, the site drop-down option will only allow the selection of one site. However, if a duration of 1 month is chosen, a multi-select drop-down for sites will be presented, and the user can select up to a maximum of 10 sites. If the user fails to meet these criteria, a pop-up message will appear displaying the message shown in the below screenshot.
Similarly, for the "Menu Mix" report, if a duration of 3 months is selected, the site drop-down option will permit the selection of only one site. In contrast, when a duration of 1 month is chosen, a multi-select drop-down for sites will be displayed, enabling the user to select up to a maximum of 10 sites. If the user does not adhere to these criteria, a pop-up will be triggered, showing the message depicted in the below screenshot.
Staff Primary Role for Docebo
This functionality ensures that when a the primary role is selected for a staff profile in TRAY, the corresponding job title in Docebo will be derived from the primary role. In the absence of a selected primary role, the job title at the top of the list will be utilized.
Set Quantity Limit for Olo Orders
To safeguard against orders with extremely high quantities (1000+) of products, TRAY will actively implement the ability for the server to set a limit on orders originating from Olo. When the limit is set, any Olo orders exceeding that limit will be actively rejected. Please note that TRAY will be responsible for setting this limit.
If the quantity exceeds the allowed quantity limit [1,000] users will receive an error message from Olo.
Prevent Ability to Bump Order in HQ (Monitor > Active Orders Tab)
We have hidden the "Actions" column from the Monitor → Active Orders tab as this was causing performance issues across the platform.
[DATA-API] Integrate Optimized Products API Query
We optimized the integrated products API query.
Before deployment, it took 4-8 seconds for the Product API to generate the response.
After deployment, it took 12-46 milliseconds for Product API to generate the response.
Enhancing POS Activity Report Performance by Reducing Permission Code Load
As part of this change, we now load only the permission codes upon store selection, instead of loading them for all stores.
Note: When no stores are selected, the Code dropdown displays "Select a store first."
Bugs Fixes
Client Release (POS, KDS, KIOSK)
[Offline Mode] Coming Online & Tickets are Resent to the Kitchen
Coming back into online mode, tickets are being resent to kitchen and reprinting.
When the client sends a sync check request & if order details already exist on server then we are only updating order status, not the print status because after syncing we are receiving printStatus as 0.
[Offline Mode] CC Payment Shows Authorizations as Separate Records Post-Sync
Checks that have CC taken while in offline mode are syncing with the server incorrectly in some cases. These checks have an authorization and a capture but after the check syncs with the server there is a separate record(sometimes multiple) for the Authorization than the capture.
Removed the auth transaction after captured from check
[Offline Mode] Menu not Loading Post-Restart
Menu is not loading in offline mode after the TRAY app restarted.
Found and resolved exception.
Server Checkout Report Prints “Staff Name” [Instead of Real Staff Name]
Instead of printing the actual staff name from the POS Server Checkout report, the report displays "Staff Name" on the printout.
On the client side, we anticipate that POS will send the staff name; however, there are some instances in which the staff name is sent to us by the server while POS sends the staffId. This case was overlooked on the client side but is now fixed. Likewise, if the client does not send the staff name but the server sends it to us, we do not replace the staff name with null.
Optimized Time Entry Data for Active Users on POS
When a user attempts to access the functions screen, 30 days worth of data is being considered when fetching the time entry data to evaluate the currently clocked in staff. This excess of data was increasing load times and affecting performance of the POS.
We have reduced the span of time considered when fetching time entry data to display active users. Going forward, we will only display data from users who are actively clocked in from the past 36 hours.
Server Checkout Report Printing Issue
If printed after TDT time, i.e. next business day, the Server Checkout Report does not print the previous day's data for clocked-in users.
Going forward, the Server Checkout Report will print the previous day's data for clocked-in users.
Error Caching Menu
Menus not loading on the POS device (Android 9).
The POS used to skip all the remaining menus if the top level menu was not scheduled, but now it skips these menus.
Kiosk Prompting to Print Guest Receipt after the Receipt is Automatically Printed [POS]
When completing an order from the kiosk, a prompt shows up after you put in a name for the order, but the receipt still prints before anything is selected. Expected behavior is to have the ticket automatically print (no option to NOT print).
Removed dialog and receipt prints automatically.
Tablet/POS Experiencing Delayed Printing
Remote printing from tablets is causing printing to be delayed.
Issues with remote printing with the optimized getTabDetails API were resolved.
Menu Optimization
Spike in memory when you are navigating to different parts of the menu leading to delayed POS/KDS responses.
Optimization of menu leading to menu, modifier and modifier groups loading faster and utilizing less memory.
Checks Not Syncing in Offline Mode
Some checks are not syncing when coming back into online mode [from offline mode].
Enhanced offline batch sync mode functionality for offline mode.
Current State: if site is selected and flag is marked as FALSE, then also server was sending "offlineBatchSyncMode":true in getVenueListNew API and POS was uploading data to S3 hence checks were not syncing.
To fix this issue, if the flag is selected as TRUE and the site is selected then only the server will send "offlineBatchSyncMode":true, otherwise false.
Staff Summary Report including data outside of the trading day/business week
Running the Staff Summary Report for the past week right after the close of the trading day close and notice that the data is correct. If you run the same report again [using the same past week’s filter], the data is amended to include additional tips from the current day to the past week's data.
Going forward, we will only consider payments and tips for a staff member between their clock-in/clock out time in the Staff Summary Report and will not add any amended data outside of the trading day/business week to the past reports.
[Offline Mode] Checks not Included in the Server Checkout Report for Users
Current behavior - Printed SCR report is not showing payments record done in offline mode.
Expected behavior - Printed SCR report should include payments done in offline mode as well.
When we're syncing offline checks, the server is persisting last_updated_vt as null for the payments record. As the SCR report is based on last_updated_vt for payments report, it was not considering offline payments. To fix that issue, the server will persist the proper value for last_updated_vt so that the query will return correct data.
Staff Summary Report Does Not Include Breaks that Cross the Trading Day Time
Staff clocked in prior to TDT who start a break prior to TDT, stay on break and then clock out after TDT are not being included in the staff summary report.
The staff summary report will now deduct the break duration up to the TDT.
Check/Guest Count Discrepancy: DSR
Guest and Checks count in Daily sales Report and Checks API calculation mismatch.
Previously, total checks in the Order types table of the Daily Sales Report did not count the check with GIFT CARD items. Now as part of this ticket, total checks in DSR will include the checks with GIFT CARD items for check count.
[Non-Optimized Product Push] Write-Protect Modifier Group Visibility for Products/Modifiers
At the site level, the visibility of modifiers and product modifiers within modifier groups is being overwritten.
Regardless of whether an optimized push is used or not, the visibility of modifier groups at the site level should not be affected by the product's visibility at the node level.
Integrate Optimized DSR Report Queries
The DSR report was running too slowly.
The report has been optimized and will run at optimized speeds going forward.
Olo Receipts not Printing Relevant Information [DSP]
Olo receipts do not include necessary relevant information when printing or reprinting the Olo ticket from the Receipt Printer
Added "deliveryInfo" in v2/checks which will be used by KDS to print delivery information.
Payment Report vs API Discrepancy with TRAY Web Ordering
Discrepancy between the payments reports and the API because the TRAY online ordering transactions do not assign staff, and therefore, they are excluded from the /v1/payments API.
We have fixed the issue through query enhancement. The sql query was ignoring records with staff_id = null.
Incorrect Labor Percentages for Multiple Days in Server Labor Summary Report
The system is reporting labor percentages incorrectly when grouping labor data by day for more than one day.
The system will use the following formula to calculate the labor percentage for data other than the Totals row: (Total Wages/Net Sales of a particular day) * 100.
[Offline Mode] KDS Settings not Properly Cached
When some sites went into offline mode, the order printers began printing “Group By Item” which is the default settings for the KDS app if no settings have been set.
Users can now get the printed receipt in the Group by Order format in both online and offline modes.
[Offline Mode] Applying Payment to Orders Started while in Online Mode Prints Items from Order Individually
Galley printers printing individual chits for items when:
- While OFFLINE applying a payment to a check that was started in ONLINE mode, then closed in OFFLINE mode prints an individual chit for each item and print command is delayed
- Reprinting a check that was closed when in online mode and closing a check that was opened in online mode and printing the receipt prints each individual item on an individual chit
Reprint and print command fixed in 5.10 so that individual items will no longer print on individual chits going forward.
Post-AutoPrinting Receipt, Kiosk Prompts to Print Guest Receipt
When an order is completed from the kiosk and a name for the order is entered, a prompt appears. However, the receipt is printed before any selection is made. The expected behavior is for the ticket to be printed automatically, without the option to opt-out of printing.
Print Dialog no longer available.
Olo Out of Balance Checks from Rosnet
Because of discrepancies on Olo with both new and old taxation, we see out of balance checks on Rosnet.
Fixing the Olo discrepancy automatically resolved this issue.
Server Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
HQ 5.10.6
Messaging for multi-site Carry-over warning modal is incorrect when both sites share the same enablement date
Messaging for multi-site Carry-over warning modal is incorrect when both sites share the same enablement date.
If 2 or more sites with same carry-over enablement dates are selected and date range selected spans across the effective date, the expected message to be shown in this scenario is the same as what we show for a single site that will just inform the user that the dates span the carry-over enablement date.
[Optimized Product Push] SubModifier - modifier group mapping duplication
When testing Optimized Menu push, the team noticed that the modifier group mapping was being duplicated.
The system was considering the destination’s deleted sub-modifiers while pushing so TRAY added a status to filter out items with deleted status.
HQ 5.10.5
OrderMode not used to determine Tender Type for Olo orders
When an Olo order has the OrderMode field set, the tender type used should reflect what is entered in that field. For example, orders have "OrderMode":"VDC_DTC" in the olo_json, the tax exempt status will be respected, however the tender type does not reflect this.
When an Olo order has the OrderMode field set, the tender type used will reflect what is entered in that field correctly.
KDS 5.10.5
KDS Crash when Printing Single Guest User Receipt
We noticed a crash on TRAY KDS when a single guest was selected and we printed a guest receipt.
Removing the guest numbers was considered as zero guests as default instead of 1 which resulted in a crash.
HQ 5.10.4
[Carry-over] Handling Date Ranges that Overlap Pre and Post Carry-over Data
The carry-over changes will now have an "Effective Date", meaning that the carry-over logic will be applied from a specified date > forward. Running reports from dates prior will continue to use the pre-carry-over logic. This ensures that the historical data will remain unchanged.
The logic we will use is as follows:
- If a user runs a report on a date after the carry-over flag has been enabled, it will use the new carry-over reporting logic
- If a user runs a report on a date prior to the carry-over flag being enabled, it will use the old reporting logic
- If a user runs a report for a date range that overlaps with the date when the carry-over flag was enabled, we will then display a warning message explaining potential implication to the report’s data and prompting him to make a choice
- If a user selects multiple stores with different carry-over dates, we will then display a warning message explaining potential implication to the reports data and prompting them to make a choice
For concrete examples of case 3 and 4 and corresponding message please refer to the use case below.
Note: to ensure that the data of the FM report which reports on full week is consistent, we will make sure to enable the new formula to correspond with each site’s “week start on” day.
For additional information around functionality of this feature, please visit: TRAYCarry Over & Outstanding
Staff Summary Report: Does Not Show Unpaid Break
Sites reported showing a break entry on 8/19 and 8/20 in the Time Entries report but not on the Staff Summary Report.
Updated status of existing mapping of venueStaff and emRole if available from Deleted > Active, instead of creating a new record every time a staff mapping is done.
Client Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
POS 5.10.4
New Permissions: "POSSettings", "KDSSettings" "PrinterManagement"
We have created three new client [POS & KDS] permissions. These permissions will prevent store level users from altering the device and printer configurations which are managed from TRAY HQ. These permissions will not be added to any sites by default. Please reach out to your administrator if you need these permissions available to your staff.
Settings/Setup menu on the POS will now be restricted. Printer settings will still be allowed, but adding or deleting a printer from the KDS app will not be allowed. | Settings menu on the KDS that the user without the new permissions won’t be able to access |
These permissions include:
- POSSettings → Users with this permission will be able to access the settings menus on the TRAY App
- KDSSettings → Users with this permission will be able to access the settings menus on the KDS App
- PrinterManagement → Users with this permission will be able to add a printer or delete a printer from the KDS application
Credit Card Sale Partial Approval
In the event a guest is using a card with a limited debit availability (i.e. student cards), we will allow using that card only for the amount available on that card (similar behavior to the gift card). To complete the transaction the guest will then have to use a different card or payment method.
Going forward, we will rely on 'ProcessorResponseCode' [set to 10 = partial approval]. We will consider only the amount that is sent in the response as approved/charged and the remaining unpaid balance will be finalized using a different card or payment method.
KDS 5.10.4
Product Modifiers not Highlighted Properly in List View KDS
When multiple product modifiers are routed to the same device in different categories, certain products are being highlighted properly on the List View KDS and certain products are not.
This issue happened due to changes made to fix an ANR that happened specifically in List view.
Payment Gateway Shows Charged Card but No Record in TRAY
We noticed that in some cases Freedom Pay Charges that were properly captured are not reflected on the Point of Sale. This was due to staff inadvertently pressing the “OK” button on the Point of Sale screen prior to the completion of the transaction.
This was only happening when the payment method was set as “Charge”. Note: This does not apply to clients using Authorizations.
We removed the “OK” button from the UI during the payment process, as this button was unnecessary, since it will automatically dismiss upon successfully charge of the card. We additionally added a delay to the ‘Cancel’ button and a confirmation dialogue to ensure the user actually intends to cancel the transaction.
Server Release Hotfix
HQ 5.10.3
[Enterprise Discount] Reactivating Deleted Discounts
Pushing discounts from the node is reactivating deleted discounts with the same EID
We will no longer be pushing changes to discounts which are deleted. Pushed discounts will only apply changes to active discounts.
[Carry-Over] Daily Sales - Checks Begun Remitting Gift Card Sales
When Carry-Over is enabled, Daily Sales is not including gift cards sold in the “Checks Begun” line.
When Carry-over is enabled, gift card sales will be included in checks begun.
Order Summary Report Failure: ‘Day Part’ Filter Not Working
When you run the Order Summary report by selecting the ‘Daypart’ filter, the report fails to load.
Day filters will now persist when Carry-over is enabled, thus allowing the report to load.
[Carry-Over] Order Summary Displaying Sales by Calendar Day Instead of Trading Day
When running the Order Summary report for multiple days, sales should are being accounted for by the calendar day instead of trading day.
For Example:
A site that has a trading day time of 4 AM may have sales that are on May 24th at 3 AM. Those sales should be considered as part of the May 23rd trading day. The Order Summary was displaying the sales after 12 AM as part of May 24th.
Order Summary will now display TDT as ‘date’ instead of calendar date.
BI Export Memory Leak
Memory spikes on production jobs quartz nodes CPU observed
The non-training check ID list will be cleared going forward, reducing CPU Utilization during BI Export.
Client Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
POS 5.10.3
Hide Merge Check Functionality
In an effort to improve and regulate check transfer auditing, we are temporarily removing the merge check functionality from the POS.
We will continue to assess the use case for merge check functionality to determine the path forward for reimplementation.
Magnetic Strip Reader Name Crash - FreedomPay/Moby 5500
The name of the “FreedomPay” Magnetic Strip Reader was changed to “Moby 5500” as this is the only Ingenico device capable of functioning not only as a Credit Card reader, but also as a Magnetic Strip Reader (Pending future development).
The name was changed to avoid confusion from users who were applying this change to devices which were not using the Moby 5500 Credit Card reader. This change allows the POS to properly handle the response from the server as part of the MSR name change.
The TRAY application will now be able to properly handle the name change being sent from the server, and correctly change the MSR type to “Moby 5500”
[Punchh] Loyalty Redemption Discounts Not Deducting Tax
After applying the ‘Punchh in Store’ discount via the Punchh loyalty redemption, the tax amount is not being removed
Tax will now be removed when Punchh loyalty redemptions are applied
Incorrect subStatus for Punchh Discounts [v1/checks API]
While applying Punchh loyalty redemptions, in the v1/checks API we are getting subStatus as 0 instead of 4. Because of this, we are not persisting order.order_sub_status as “DISCOUNT“ causing discrepancy in orders and other HQ/POS report
We will now persist the discount and discrepancies will no longer be observed across HQ/POS Reports when applying Punchh loyalty redemptions
Closed Checks Reopening
Escalations of closed checks reopening for unknown reasons.
We noticed that running the Open Tabs report from the Monitor was resulting in closed checks reopening during busy times as the check status was being updated as part of the report query. The Open Tabs report has been restricted, and the report has been corrected to not reopen any checks which are closed while the report is running.
KDS 5.10.3
Splitting Items Between Guests is Causing Miscalculations on Guest Receipt Totals
When you split an item between multiple guests, it is not displaying properly on individual Guest Receipts. The payment/capture amount is correct, however when you print the guest receipts, the totals are displaying incorrectly.
Going forward, the printed guest receipt will reflect the amount paid by each guest correctly, including base.
Server Release Hotfix
HQ 5.10.2
[Optimized Menu & Product Push] Includes Deleted Modifiers
The system is pushing deleted modifiers to modifier groups during optimized menu and product pushes, when it should only be pushing the items with option status as 0 (active). When building a mod group, the system should not be including previously deleted modifiers (from the node level or another site) to the group.
The system was considering the destination’s deleted modifiers while pushing so TRAY added a status to filter out items with deleted status. Similarly, we were able to validate this during menu push testing.
Duplicate Credit Card Finalizations
We have cases of discrepant records across TRAY and FreedomPay. There are three cases as outlined below:
- Two authorizations shown in TRAY HQ, 1 authorization shown in FreedomPay. This is because of auth API retry mechanism
- Two charges shown for the same authorization (1 auth and 2 capture in POS, one auth and one charge in FP). This is because of charge api retry mechanism (both charge requests are same)
- Two unique charge requests with different clientId’s (Auth paymentId is same). The system is allowing the user to click before the transaction is finished, leading to the check details not being refreshed.
- Resolution: Add validation in authTab api. Server will validate the combination of tabId and clientId (payment).
- Resolution: Server will send success and not send PN. (It will not update/create any record)
Client Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
POS 5.10.2
Update FreedomPay library to version 1.28.0
Update the FreedomPay library to version 1.28.0:
Server Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
HQ 5.10.1
Primary Role not changing Job Title in Docebo
When multiple roles exist in Tray with no Primary Role flag set, then the Primary Role flag is added for any role in the list (except the top one), Docebo does not change the Job Title for the employee. And, when multiple roles exist in Tray and the Primary Role flag is set for any role in the list then the Primary Role flag is changed to a different role, Docebo does not change the Job Title for the employee. The Primary Role flag appears to have no functionality.
Primary Role was not being used when setting the job title in Docebo. Solution was to use the selected primary role when setting the job title.
Write-protect Product Category During Menu/Product Re-Push and Site Re-Import [optimized and non-optimized]
As a Menu Manager I don’t want to overwrite the category of a product during a menu/product push or site-to-site re-import so that order-routing of the product doesn’t get affected.
TRAY will not override the product category during menu/product re-push and site re-import.
Hide Count Column in DSR Report
While we work to recalculate the ‘count’ number displayed in DSR, we will hide the count column, pictured below:
We have hidden the ‘count’ column in the DSR for carried over/outstanding while we work to resolve the discrepancies across check count amount.
Role Changes with Multiple Roles in Tray Moves Changed Role to Bottom
When multiple roles exist in Tray and a change is made to any role in the list (except the bottom one), Tray reorders the list & moves the changed role to the bottom of the list. For example, change a server that is at the top of the list of roles (or another row except the bottom) to a manager & the manager role now appears at the bottom of the list.
The order of roles was changing due to a role being edited. This fix is to prevent roles from being reordered when a role is edited.
DB Guest Count Migration from 0 > 1
While the system is not allowing HQ to have 0 entered, and we are no longer auto populating 0, when updating from HQ 5.06 to HQ 5.10, if any site has the “Ask For Guest Count” enabled flag it is still displaying the toast “Minimum Guest Count Should be 0” Message. In order to fix this, we need to Update default Guest Count Number to 1 in Database for sites with Ask for Guest Count flag enabled.
DB Migration to automatically populate value as 1 when Guest Count is enabled.
[Optimized Product Push] Menu Sections Not Created
Optimized product push is not creating certain menu sections on select test sites.
This is a specific case where the destination venue has duplicate menu entry in the DB but 1 of them is deleted. So while updating the menu section mapping , the query was returning both the menus and the first 1 gets used to update the mapping, so the product got assigned to the deleted menu. In the change we added the condition to only return the active menus in the query.
Client Release Hotfix (POS, KDS, API)
POS 5.10.1
"Send & Pay (Print)" Button Bypasses Beverage Minimum Alert
Users are able to bypass “alert if category not ordered for all guests” restrictions when using this firing option. You cannot long press on this firing option to fire on priority.
This functionality was not added when we implemented send & pay (print) but has since been enabled.
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