The Role Summary report is a Labor report that shows a summary of labor hours/wages, broken out by role, and date, over the designated time period.
This report can be exported to CSV, Excel and PDF.
HQ Reports
On TRAY HQ, select the REPORTS tab across the top menu. From there select the Reporting Category Selector and from the Labor reports select the Role Summary report.
Role Summary report filter options:
PERIOD | Select from preset options or enter a custom range. |
START DATE | Active when choosing the Week Starting from option above. Choose the date to start the report on. |
DURATION | Active when choosing the Week Starting from option above. Choose either a 1 Week or a 2 Week period. |
SITES | Select your site. |
ROLE | Specify a role or multiple roles. |
Role Summary report fields:
ROLE | Role type. |
REG HRS | Regular hours worked by role type. |
REG COST | Labor cost of all employees in this role. |
OVERTIME HRS | Overtime hours worked by role type. |
OVERTIME COST | Overtime labor cost for all employees in this role. |
TOTAL HOURS | Total hours worked by all employees in this role. |
TOTAL COST | Total labor cost for all employees in this role. |
DATE | Role totals organized by date. |
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